Welcome, Aboard!

Ah! It’s been pretty long time since I made my last blog post. Now back with a new domain – www.TAAism.com. Cool, huh?


  • What: This is my personal blog. I have been searching for a name for quite long; but then, I remembered once one of my friends (really don’t remember who!) using the word ‘TAAism’ [ref] TAA is my nick name, which is the abbreviation of the name T A Arunanand. I say, people call me TAA, though I started calling myself so[/ref] indicating the nature of comments I make. So made it the name.
  • Why: Just like that. I thought I needed a place where I can scribble what I feel. Need not be relevant to people. But, yea, it happens. I will write about what I feel- movies, education, politics, society, cricket and even my extremely weird thoughts.
  • When: Quite often, as I feel like!

Previously, I used to write blog at: http://arunta007.wordpress.com