Newer IITs – Things to Ponder
How can you have more babies when you can’t feed the existing ones?
But do you think that only the old is always gold?
How can you have more babies when you can’t feed the existing ones?
But do you think that only the old is always gold?
… and that’s why India is concerned over the Crimea crisis.
Bothaiyanaar’s Alternative to Pythagorean Theorem Related post: It was quite accidentally, when reading about Pythagorean theorem, that I stumbled upon this amazingly simpler theorem which stands as an alternative to Pythagorean theorem. This was actually written by a Tamil poet – Bothaiyanaar – and is useful while calculating the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle. Note that […]
I rose to read Mathrubhumi daily today, only to amuse myself for a Keralite Mathematics teacher – Mr. Rahumathulla – has devised an alternative to the well-known Pythagorian Theorem. The original theorem is supposed to be so minimalistic and unimprovable that even the fifth graders in our schools are given lectures on the same. But, […]
It was on a purely academic interest that I sent an RTI to the Dept. of Parliamentary Affairs, Govt. of India for details on the MPLADS fund utilization by Kerala MPs. The request was forwarded to Dept. of Statistics, and they gave me a reply. Adding it here. Actually, such stats are available on the […]